This project is a 10,400 SF single-story, steel-framed structure with a composite roof deck and reinforced concrete masonry unit perimeter walls. The structure is designed to withstand 2 PSI of overpressure.

The facility features the following spaces:

  • Control Center – Consisting of a Console Area (with breathing gas outlets for board operators), UPS Room, and Rack Room (all with clean-agent fire suppression), Additional spaces include two Supervisor’s Offices, Field Techs, and Permitting.
  • Change House – Men’s and Women’s areas featuring lockers, restrooms, and showers.
  • Quality Control Laboratory – Wet and Dry lab areas with fume hoods and instrumentation. 14 different bottled gases were fed to each island and perimeter bench space.
  • Additional spaces include two offices, a three-person tech station, and a supply closet.